Guide to solar inverters

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Guide to solar inverters

Guide to solar inverters

When it comes to solar panels and installation, we have you covered. Here at the Eco Renewables Group, we are Preston based solar panel experts. We install full solar panel systems, from the panels themselves to the different types of solar inverter. But what exactly are solar inverters, and which type should you purchase? Well, this is our guide to solar inverters.

What is a solar inverter?

A solar inverter is designed to transform the direct current voltage produced by the solar power, into alternating current that can power your home. This means that a solar inverter is a crucial component to your solar power system, as without it, the electricity your panels generate would be useless.

Types of solar inverter

As a crucial component to your solar powered home, different types of inverter are available. The two options include:

The stand alone inverter

This is an inverter that doesnt need to be hooked up to the solar panels themselves. Instead it can be attached to the batteries that are collecting the photovoltaic (PV) energy and storing it as DC. The stand alone invertor then transforms the energy stored in the batteries into usable AC. The stand alone inverter is not linked up to the national grid, and this means that if you choose this type of converter, you wont be able to automatically sell excess energy back to the grid.

The grid tie inverter

This is an inverter that is usually connected to the solar panels themselves, as well as the national grid, as it is designed to create AC and feed it back to the national grid. As a result, you will be able to power your home, and make money from the excess electricity you can sell back. However, this type of inverter will need anti-islanding protection.

The most common type of inverter is the grid tie, and it is the most efficient for homes that are powered by a utility grid.


Whichever type of inverter you purchase and install to work with your solar panels, it will need replacing every 5 to 10 years. This is because it is always working to convert the electricity types.

For more information about solar panels and solar inverters, get in touch with the experts today, here at the Eco Renewables Group.