The rise of Solar power Installations

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The rise of Solar power Installations

The rise of Solar power Installations

Solar power is becoming one of the most popular forms of renewable energy. While wind turbines and hydro power require movable parts and a huge team of engineers, solar power requires much less maintenance. And on the small scale, it can be used very effectively to power individual homes and businesses. As a result, more and more energy conscious homeowners are opting for solar power installations. But what does this involve? And does it really save money? Well, here at the Eco Renewables Group, we are solar power experts. From Liverpool to Lancaster, we work across the North West to provide top quality, professional solar power solutions. And this is our guide to the rise of solar power installations.

What do solar power installations involve?

It is is a straightforward and quick process to install solar power. Especially when you work with a professional team of electrical engineers, like us here at the Eco Renewables Group. In general, installation should only take a day to complete.

Solar power installations involve installing the solar panels, the solar inverter, and the solar battery storage if that is what you require.

Do solar power installations save money?

By installing solar power, you can save money on your energy bills. Although the amount you save will depend on the amount of electricity you usually use, as well as the size of your solar power system. Larger systems will generate more electricity, in general.

However, with the feed in tariff, you will be paid by the Government, via your energy supplier, for all the electricity you have generated. This can make you around £150 a year.

In addition, you can sell your excess energy back to the national grid. This is called an export tariff.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at the Eco Renewables Group.