Solar panels and power output

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Solar panels and power output

Solar panels and power output

When it comes to your solar panels, you need to know that you are getting the most out of them. And this is usually measured by the power output. Here at Eco Renewables Group, we work across the North West, from Colne to Penrith, to deliver high quality solar power solutions. As a result, we have produced this guide to solar panels and power output.

What is solar power output?

Solar power output refers to the amount of electricity your solar panels can create, or output. So how much electricity do solar panels produce? Well, here are some facts:
A typical solar power system on a residential property will produce around 3, 400 kwh every single year. That is enough electricity to individually power:
⦁ Your fridge for 97,143 hours
⦁ your oven for 1,417 hours
⦁ your washing machine for 4,857 hours
⦁ your kettle for 1,880 hours
As you can see, that is a lot of electricity that the solar panels can produce, from a renewable energy source. As a result, you can expect your electricity bill to drop by up to 50%!

Different systems: comparing solar panels and power output

Solar panels, and solar power systems as a whole, can vary in size, from a small 1 kW system, to a large 5 kW system. Different size solar power systems will generate different amounts of electricity. And the amount of electricity generated can also be influenced by external and environmental factors. On average:
⦁ A smaller 1 kW system can generate 850 kW per year
⦁ A 2 kW system will create around 1700 kw a year
⦁ and a 5 kw system will generate about 4,500 kw a year
As a result, a 4 or 5 kw system can produce enough electricity to cover an average household, in a 3 bedroomed home, in the UK.
For more information or advice, why not contact the experts today, here at the Eco Renewables Group?