Building a solar powered home

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Building a solar powered home

Building a solar powered home

If you are looking to build or develop the perfect home, eco-friendly requirements are probably close to the top of your list. As a result, you will probably look into renewable energy options. Solar power is far and away the easiest and most practical solution when it comes to using renewable energy to power your home. That’s why many new homes are now being built with solar power in mind. Here at the Eco Renewables Group, we are solar power experts. As a result, we have produced this guide to considerations when building a solar powered home.

The land design and potential obstacles

One of the most important things to consider when building a solar powered home is the lay and shape of the the land. Solar energy is reliant on the sun, and this means that if your land is in the shade of other, taller buildings and trees, you will not got as much power output. As a result, before you embark on your build, you will need to make sure the space is free and clear of shade, and will be for the foreseeable future.

In addition, if there is a steep hill or other obstacle on the southern or eastern side of your land, your building will not get the sun until much later in the day. This means that your solar panels will not be working at maximum efficiency, and you will not generate the amount of power you need to fully power your home.

The roof direction and pitch

Another consideration is the roof design itself. First of all, you will need to decide which direction your new building will be facing. South facing solar panels will probably get the sun for the longest period of time, as long as there are no obstructions.

Having said that, the pitch of your roof can influence how well the solar panels perform and the amount of dirt, dust and debris that can end up blocking out the light. As a result, make sure your roof is facing towards the sun, with no obstacles, and is also the right pitch and shape to make the most of the solar panels.

For more information or professional advice, get in touch with the experts today, here at the ECO Renewables Group.